Important IST information

For more initial IST information for the upcoming camp please click the download link below.


Safe from harm certificate

How to complete the Safe from Harm Certificate for IST participants that are 18 years or older.


Important Troop information

For more initial information for the upcoming camp please click the download link below.


2024 In Świeradów-Zdrój, Poland

Dear Intercamp Friends,

It’s just a few weeks until we open the registration for Intercamp 2024, and in half a year, we hope to meet all of You in the beautiful Polish town of Świeradów-Zdrój, surrounded by the stunning Jizerian Mountains. Intercamp 2024 will revolve around the theme of the impact of civilization on the world, drawing inspiration from the nearby dark-sky preserve and the “Natura 2000” zone.

Our program will include on-site activities aligned with four selected UN Sustainable Development Goals (7, 12, 13, 15). We will also promote STEM-based approaches to supporting development and provide knowledge on astronomy. Additionally, there will be special activities tailored for adults at Intercamp 2024.

We look forward to meeting you in Świeradów-Zdrój.

Best regards,

Yours in Scouting & Guiding,
Camp Director