- All participants camp at their own risk and are required to arrange for adequate insurance coverage. All troops are responsible for their own medical requirements;
- The troops are to bring their own tents and own kitchen equipment/food to ensure they can prepare their own meals;
- The instructions of the staff are to be followed. All final decisions rest with the camp chief;
- All information will be made available in English. Every organizing country is of course free to also provide information in other additional languages;
- Vehicles are not allowed on the campsite during camp with the exceptions of emergency vehicles and cars with special permissions distributed by security-team or camp chief;
- Scouts must wear their uniform at the opening and closing ceremony and during service. Any other time during the intercamp, to include the hike, we ask scouts to wear scarves to recognize participants as scouts;
- Smoking is not allowed on the campsite except in the designated smoking zones;
- Hoses for gas burners must comply to the national ruling or as set out by the organization;
- Rules regarding the use of coal grills are set by the camp chief and in accordance with local regulations;
- No open flames are allowed in tents, unless approved by the subcamp chief;
- Drinking alcoholic beverages under the age of 18 is not allowed. For participants over 18 drinking alcoholic beverages, this is only allowed in the Scouters Club only. Note that stricter rules of your national scout association are not affected by this paragraph;
- Be respectful to others when you are creating sounds/music during the day time;
- Quiet time must be observed during night time. This is between 23:00 and 07:00, with the exception of the Scouters club, which closes at 24:00;
- Scouts may swap with other scouts only, adults only with other adults;
- Pets of all kind are not allowed at camp;
- Scout leaders are fully responsible for their own troop. At least one leader is to remain at the campsite at all times;
- Leaders that accompany (international) patrols have a duty of care and as such are responsible for the behavior, safety and wellbeing of the patrol members;
- Rules and regulations as set out by WOSM and/or WAGGS and national scout associations are to be respected at all times;
- Gross infringements will result in the scout, leader and or troop being asked to leave the camp and future Intercamps. No refunds will be made;
- You confirm that no members are from the following countries: North Korea, Iran, Syria, or Cuba.
- With your registration you agree that in case of cancellation we will refund 15 EUR per participant only. The remainder is for the costs occurred so far and will help to limit our losses.
- With your registration you agree with the rules as laid out by the intercamp committee. we will follow the covid rules applicable in Germany at the time of our camp.